details the amount of each security
over a combination of a reference date and broker
This is not merely the aggregate of all buy and sell transactions
but rather the outcome of all security events
in a portfolio's history. These events encompass security-related occurrences like dividends, amortizations, splits, and also transformations resulting from other positions, such as the expiration of a Forward contract.
This enables users to reconcile their portfolio's positions with the information provided by their investments custodian while keeping track of its entire composition. Here are the associated endpoints related to positions:
This allows the user to reconcile Gorila's portfolio
to the original financial institutions, also keeping track of its whole composition.
These are the positions-related endpoints:
- List Positions: displays the quantity of each position
- Position Market Values: displays the market value of each position
- Position Average Prices: displays the average price of each position
- Position Profit & Losses: displays the P&L of each position
- Position Time-Weighted Returns: displays the TWR of each position
- Position Security Prices: displays the price of the security of each position
- Position Internal Rate of Return: displays the IRR of each position